Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Global Expansion Project

Global Expansion Project part 2

Continuing with the plan, the next area to research is that of the specific target market (France - you are able to narrow this down to Paris). Part of this will involve looking into the pros and cons of this area as we determine the proper way to enter.
Create a 5-7 slide presentation using the speaker's notes section for your content and the slides for presentation purposes (please use the 5x5 or 7x7 slide rules, google this if you must.)
Include the following information:
  1. Describe the specific target market
  2. Develop strategies for entering the target market
  3. Create a plan for entering the target market
I have uploaded the last portion of the project (an overview of the business) and other information to get you started.

Late work and plagarism are unnacceptable.
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