Wednesday, 30 April 2014


ECT 351 Students:

I.                    Internships or coops are designed to allow students to participate in a professional experience that relates to their program of study and to receive academic credit for the experience.
II.                  The duration of an internship or coop experience is normally a semester or summer.
III.               In order to participate in an internship or coop, a student must:
a.       Determine where he/she wishes to do an internship or coop.  Contact the necessary individual(s) within the desired internship/coop organization and receive permission to do an internship within that organization.  All other items such as pay, duties, duration of internship, etc. should also be established.
b.      Have established that the desired internship/coop experience will fulfill the academic requirements, this may be done through consultation between the student and his/her academic advisor or his/her academic program chairperson.
c.       Sign up for the internship/coop course – ECT 351
d.      Complete the requirements for the ECT 351 course (see the ECT 351 Procedural Steps below).

ECT 351 Procedural Steps:
  1. Internships must be overseen by an instructor (this is accomplished by enrolling in ECT 351) and can be for credit or non-credit (non-credit internships should be discussed with the department chairperson).
  2. It is the responsibility of the student to locate a site for the internship.  Career Center staff may be willing to assist the student in locating an internship site or the student’s chairperson may be able to help in locating an internship site.
  3. If you take the internship course, ECT 351, then at the end of the semester, turn in to the internship course instructor (on or before the last regular meeting day of the semester –NOT FINALS week) the following report:
    1. Cover page listing your name,
                                                               i.      course number, company or business name of where internship occurred, internship supervisor’s name and phone number, address of internship;
    1. A 1 page summary for each week that you worked,
                                                               i.      each weekly summary page should discuss items such as what you did, what went well, what went wrong, etc.
    1. The report must be typed and submitted as a WORD document.  Reports must be page numbered.
    2. The report may be submitted as an attachment to an email, or the report may be mailed, or you may choose to place the report directly in my mailbox in the College of Technology. 
    3. If you choose to email or if you choose to mail the report then see “contacting the professor”.
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