Monday 21 April 2014

university program

I did an experiment with two participants on the computer. I used my university program to test the three level of memory processing
( 1.Structural: 2. Phonemic3. Semantic ) which are
1. Word classification exercise.
2. Reading comprehension task
3. Word recognition test.

In this part, the participants answer a series of questions about different words. There are three kinds of questions based on the three levels suggested by the Levels of Processing theory. There are 12 questions of each type.

The lab report content is linked to learning of an aspect of Memory – levels of processing – from chapter 7 (Burton et al., 2012.)

Research aims are to see levels of memory processing and if memory changes with age.

My teacher did collect the data from all student participants .and now we have to write a report useing this data .Using the APA (American Psychological Association) referencing system, 6th edition.

This assessment for 1 year psychology student.

I have all the information that you need to write the report in the attachment. So you need just go through and follow the structures

it should be between 1500-2000 words.
I am attaching two pdf files
(1)    175102 lab manual 2014 .pdf - Here is the report structures and all the information you need for this report. You need just go through these pages (pp26-43)
(2)    Level of processing results.pdf – here is the data
The above is link of ‘An interactive approach to writing essays and research report in psychology 3ed edition.
Please read it before you start writing the report

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