Monday 21 April 2014

Instrumentation Writing Assignment

Instrumentation Writing Assignment
Word Limit: 2000

Unit Learning Outcomes assessed:

1. Explain and assess the basic design and practical working conditions of alternate imaging instruments employing radiation for appropriate use in regard to maximising clinical utilisation and minimising radiation and electromechanical risks
2. Critically assess the safe working conditions of specialised instruments in regard to radiation protection, electromechanical safety, appropriate regulations or standards
3. Implement and evaluate a basic quality assurance program on specialised x-ray imaging equipment to ensure accurate and safe outcomes

The purpose of this writing assignment is to encourage students to apply the knowledge of safe operation of specialised X-ray imaging equipment learnt from the unit into the clinical workplace. The safe operation of equipment encompasses the aspects of radiation protection, electromechanical safety and clinical utilisation in compliance with appropriate regulations and standards. Awareness and practice of safe operation are crucial in imaging practice. Infringement may lead to serious issues such as injury and even death. Quality Assurance (Q A) program is one way to minimize the likelihood of occurrence of such issues (Option 1). Another preventive measure is education to increase practitioners’ awareness and knowledge (Option 2).

Some students may have difficulties to get access to specialised X-ray imaging equipment during clinical placement / semester. In this situation, you can select Option 2. In this option, students are required to identify a particular X-ray imaging system (e.g. manufacturer A – model YYY mobile X-ray machine) through different manufacturers’ websites (some examples are given below) and develop a safe operation guide for it. The identified system must be within the ranges of systems for portable / mobile radiography, tomography, fluoroscopy, mammography and angiography. The main purpose of this guide is to educate practitioners the safe operation principles of a particular system. The following is the list of required contents for Option 2.
1. Introduction
• Provide relevant details (e.g. manufacturer, model, type, etc.) of the chosen system (only one is required)
• Suggest necessity of a safe operation guide for the chosen system
• N.B.: You can obtain relevant details of an imaging system from its manufacturer’s website, for example:
 Carestream Health (
 Fujifilm Corporation (
 GE Healthcare (
 Gendex Dental Systems (
 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. (
 Siemens AG. (
 Toshiba Corporation (
2. Safe Operation Details
• Provide necessary radiation protection measures in relation to the features of the chosen system
• Provide necessary measures for safeguarding electromechanical safety in relation to the features of the chosen system
• Provide necessary ways to maximise clinical utilisation in relation to the features of the chosen system
• Provide necessary QC tests for the chosen system
• N.B.: Justification of responses is required for the safe operation details
3. Summary
• Summarize the key points of the safe operation details

Referencing style

Students should use the Chicago Author-Date 16th ed. referencing style when preparing assignments. More information can be found on this style from the Library web site:

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