Monday 21 April 2014

ethical issues

DQ 1: Referring to the ethical issues raised in chapter 3 of the textbook, answer the following question: Can prisoners, young children, mentally-disabled adults, or the severely mentally-ill give informed consent and participate voluntarily in social research studies? Explain your answer. (You may address all of these groups together or single out one group to use in your answer.)

DQ 2: If a student who had not taken this course came to you and asked for your assistance in developing a research project for some other course, which of the topics covered in chapter 4 of the textbook would you suggest as the first or most important one for that student to address? Why? After you have posted your response, comment on or question the responses of your classmates.

Here is a description of the course that can help you answer DQ 2
Social Research and Statistics
This course provides an explanation of the various methods used by social scientists to find answers to the questions posed by their subject matter, including basic terminology and concepts and practice using methods such as surveys, experiments, field research, and evaluation research, as well as some unobtrusive methods. An introduction to analysis of data obtained from research is also included.

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