Monday, 30 June 2014


Another Take on the Creationism/Evolution Debate

Should creationism and evolution be left out of curriculum at the public school level. Even though we have had issues in the past when linking them to religious beliefs should we still discuss the topic and remain open minded or keep it out of our studies completely?

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Creationism/Evolution Debate

Another Take on the Creationism/Evolution Debate

Should creationism and evolution be left out of curriculum at the public school level. Even though we have had issues in the past when linking them to religious beliefs should we still discuss the topic and remain open minded or keep it out of our studies completely?

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Creationism/Evolution Debate

Another Take on the Creationism/Evolution Debate

Should creationism and evolution be left out of curriculum at the public school level. Even though we have had issues in the past when linking them to religious beliefs should we still discuss the topic and remain open minded or keep it out of our studies completely?

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Contributions of Lyell, Malthus, Lamarck, Darwin, and Gould and Eldridge

Contributions of Lyell, Malthus, Lamarck, Darwin, and Gould and Eldridge.

Outline the major contributions of scientists to concepts in evolution. Describe the contributions of Lyell, Malthus, Lamarck, Darwin, and Gould and Eldridge.
Please write one paragraph or a few sentences on each of the above mentioned people.

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Interview Questionnaire

Interview Questionnaire

Select a leader in an organization of your choice. Manager; an executive or CEO is preferred.
Name of Organization:
Name of Leader and Name of the position
Part 1: Introduction (If you cannot find this information ahead of time, you will need to ask during the interview):
What is the name of your organization?
What are your organization's primary products and/or services?
Please provide a brief description of your organization's current mission/purpose and its vision for the future.
Does your organization have a stated strategy that it shares with stakeholders? If so, what is that strategy?
What are your responsibilities, and what is your title?
Part 2: Crafting Strategy
Are there forces outside your organization that put pressure on how your business is run? Briefly describe them.
How has your organization changed its strategy in response to outside forces?
How do your biggest rivals compete to try to gain an advantage with customers in your markets?
What do you believe is your organization's competitive advantage over rivals?
Describe how your organization involves the leadership team in developing strategies during challenging economic times.
Describe how your organization involves other employees in developing strategies.
Part 3: Executing Strategy
How does your organization communicate its vision and strategy to employees?
Briefly describe how your organization builds internal capabilities.
Describe how you organization determines and communicates objectives.
Describe how you and your organization evaluate performance towards stated objectives.
Part 4: Must add five questions of your own strategy-related interview questions.

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Interview Questionnaire

Interview Questionnaire

Select a leader in an organization of your choice. Manager; an executive or CEO is preferred.
Name of Organization:
Name of Leader and Name of the position
Part 1: Introduction (If you cannot find this information ahead of time, you will need to ask during the interview):
What is the name of your organization?
What are your organization's primary products and/or services?
Please provide a brief description of your organization's current mission/purpose and its vision for the future.
Does your organization have a stated strategy that it shares with stakeholders? If so, what is that strategy?
What are your responsibilities, and what is your title?
Part 2: Crafting Strategy
Are there forces outside your organization that put pressure on how your business is run? Briefly describe them.
How has your organization changed its strategy in response to outside forces?
How do your biggest rivals compete to try to gain an advantage with customers in your markets?
What do you believe is your organization's competitive advantage over rivals?
Describe how your organization involves the leadership team in developing strategies during challenging economic times.
Describe how your organization involves other employees in developing strategies.
Part 3: Executing Strategy
How does your organization communicate its vision and strategy to employees?
Briefly describe how your organization builds internal capabilities.
Describe how you organization determines and communicates objectives.
Describe how you and your organization evaluate performance towards stated objectives.
Part 4: Must add five questions of your own strategy-related interview questions.

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making criteria for the green home industry

Competitive decision-making criteria for the green home industry

Create a formal set of competitive decision-making criteria in order to analyze strategic options and determine which businessopportunity should be included in your strategy recommendation, strategic plan, and financial justification.
Competitive Decision-Making Criteria
In deciding the strategy for green homes, we need to used the following decision-making criteria:
- Does it make sense strategically?
- Is it different from competitors?
- How is it unique?
- Does the strategy meet key metrics for success?
Best answered by considering five categories. I got a good article about Key metrics that can be used by Shinn. Shinn, E. S. (2009). Using key metrics: The why, the how, the results (p. 13). Littleton, CO: The Shinn Group. Retrieved from

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Synopsis of Hawaii's Race to the Top Grant

Synopsis of Hawaii's Race to the Top Grant

Need a synopsis for the article below:

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plan for the Green House Building Industry

Implementation plan for the Green House Building Industry

This is a two part paper that work conjunctively, for which I will give you double the credits! THANK YOU!
In a four-page paper, propose an implementation plan for your strategy to forming a green, sustainable business focusing on developing and marketing green homes. Green homes are energy-efficient, well-insulated, well-ventilated, and free from toxic construction materials. The implementation plan should include an organization structure, appropriate monitoring, control, follow-up mechanisms, and an appropriate time frame. Be sure to address the five steps of the SFL process; describe some ways the plan will include the five SFL steps: diagnosis, research, solutions, execution, and evaluation.
Then separately:
In a two-page paper, describe the ideal team to launch your strategic plan. Referring to the proposed organization structure outlined in the paper above, specify the skills, capabilities, and experience required of the senior implementation team. Describe the desirable characteristics of the leader of the team. Propose an appropriate reward structure. Be sure to address the five steps of the SFL process; describe some ways the team will engage in diagnosis, research, solutions, execution, and evaluation.

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Measures to Evaluate an Organization

Performance Measures to Evaluate an Organization

Identify and describe at least four performance measurements that can be used by an organization and describe why these are important to the organization's success.

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Harm Crisis

Concepts of a Product-Harm Crisis

1) What is a Product-Harm Crisis?
2) What are the factors that contribute to a Product-Harm Crisis?
3) A brief analysis of Product-Harm Crisis studies
4) Research synthesis

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Concepts of a Product-Harm Crisis

Concepts of a Product-Harm Crisis

1) What is a Product-Harm Crisis?
2) What are the factors that contribute to a Product-Harm Crisis?
3) A brief analysis of Product-Harm Crisis studies
4) Research synthesis

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Common Sized Analysis

Common Sized Analysis

The sales revenue information for March and April, Year 2007 is listed below. What is the vertical common-sized analysis (percentages) of each item based on the sales revenue? Please discuss any significant findings.
Item March April
Sales Revenue 48,200 50,400
Cash Sales 14,460 14,112
Credit Card Sales 31,330 34,272
Account Receivable Sales 2,410 2,016

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Apple's differentiation strategy

Apple's differentiation strategy

Strategic Options
Select an organization that you believe has executed optimal strategic moves to strengthen its generic strategy.

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Government Relations

Research Paper Outline for Government Relations

Here are the instructions:
Select a program, project, or issue that is within government or you think government should address. Example, early childhoodeducation, anti missile system, obesity.
Identify the problem, conflict, concern, or goals that you want to solve, resolve, settle, or achieve from the program, project, or issue that you have selected.
Present in a strategic and practical fashion from what you have learned from class presentations, readings, guest speakers, and research how you would solve, resolve, settle, or achieve the problem, conflict, concern, or goal that you have selected to address. (within the government structure and relations)

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Topical Outline

Topical Outline

Help required developing a topical outline for Chapter Two of a dissertation. Must follow a chronological or other rational organizational scheme using the topic list attached that provides a foundation for how to categorize and explore the literature.

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Computation of recordable injury/illness rate

Computation of recordable injury/illness rate

A company calculated its recordable injury/illness rate for 2013 to be 2.81. Employees worked 1,209,970 hours in 2013. How many recordable injuries/illnesses were there?

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Strategic Analysis of Walt Disney

Strategic Analysis of Walt Disney

By using The Walt Disney Company complete a more in-depth analysis of its strategy
1. Discuss how that company has strengthened its generic strategy through complementary strategic moves in this industry. In your analysis of its strategic moves, examine the timing of these moves.
a) Identify whether to pursue offensive or defensive strategic options
b) Discuss the timing for strategic moves
c) Outline complementary strategic options, challenges and benefits of the complementary strategic options
2. Then, discuss this company's strategies for competing in international markets. How does the company enter foreign markets, complete internationally, and leverage any operations internationally?
a) Define strategies for foreign market entry
b) Identify the strategic approaches for competing internationally
c) Outline ways that a company can gain competitive advantage from international operations. Can you recommend any additional strategies for international markets?
3. Lastly, discuss the company's corporate strategy.
a) Discuss the role of business diversification in the strategic planning process
b) Review the types of business diversification with company examples
c) Outline the process of evaluating a firm's current business diversification strategies

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3M diversification strategies

3M diversification strategies

Organizations have a variety of reasons to diversify their business and many ways to diversify and retrench. Please provide an explanation.
Review the products 3M offers ( and the markets it serves. Select one or more 3Mbusinesses and comment on their business diversification strategies discussing the role of business diversification in thestrategic planning process.

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Research and mixed methodology

Research and mixed methodology

Provide a list of advantages with a brief description of each advantage so I can further understand why this type of method is gaining prominence in research. Conversely, provide a list of disadvantages to explain why critics say using quantitative or qualitative should be used in a stand alone fashion. Additionally, why has mixed methodology become so popular in research. What is the history of methodology? A comprehensive look is much appreciated.

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Manufacturing Plant Management

Productivity and Efficiency in Manufacturing Plant Management

This is a discussion about the difference and relationship between productivity and efficiency in manufacturing plant management, including the effect production increase has on efficiency, and what other areas of effective plant management can impact productivity and efficiency.

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maintaining a balance of power between organizational stakeholders

The importance of maintaining a balance of power between organizational stakeholders

Why is it important to maintain a balance of power between different groups of organizational stakeholders?

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Analyzing Business Ethics

Analyzing Business Ethics and Sustainability at an Energy Company

BP's code of conduct includes this: "health, safety, security and the environment—fundamental rules and guidance to help us protect the natural environment, the safety of the communities in which we operate, and the health, safety and security of our people" (BP, 2010).
But Seidman (2010) said this: "Many of the factors thought to have led to the April 20 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig were the result of bad decisions in which a less expensive option—whether to run a test or use a particular kind casing pipe, for example—was consistently chosen over one that would have cost more money."
Organizations cut costs all the time to become more efficient, and they ultimately pass along lower costs to the consumer in the form of lower prices. Without customers, a for-profit organization cannot exist.
Analyze business ethics and sustainability at an energy company of your choice and answer the following:
Assess the ethics involved with an energy company's strategy and actions.
Debate whether or not a for-profit company competing with rivals can effectively balance ethical business practices while competing for market share in today's marketplace.
Would you have handled BP's strategy execution differently? As CEO, how would you have handled this, either ensuring this did not happen or after the fact?

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Diversity Management

Review into Diversity Management

Based on the following topic outline, I need help with developing an outlined response to all in APA style. I also have references
Workforce Diversity and Organizational Outcomes
I. Diversity Issues and Turnover
A. Diversity Issues
1. Issue ...
2. Definitions ...
3. Cause ...
4. Effect ...
5. Solution ...
B. Turnover
1. Issue ...
2. Cause ...
3. Effect ... (e.g. "associated costs"
4. Solution ... (e.g. "policies and procedures for conflict resolution") (Dixon, 2007).
II. Conflict and Diversity
A. Conflict Management
1. Issue ... (e.g. people see it as a "problem")
2. Cause ... (e.g. mismanagement of conflict)
3. Effect ... (e.g. "costs time and money")
4. Solution (Epstein, 2005).
III. Diversity Management Costs
A. Diversity Management
1. Issue ... (e.g. "gains have a well-managed program")
2. Cause ...
3. Effect ...
4. Solution ... (e.g. "New ideas, better solutions, and different approaches") (Byers, 2006).
B. Costs (?)
IV. Diversity and Organizational Culture
A. Organizational Culture
1. Issue ... (e.g. "culture and diversity is important...better")
2. Cause ...
3. Effect ...
4. Solution ... (Kimemia, 2013).
V. Diversity and Talent
A. Talent
1. Issue ... (e.g. human capital most important...)
2. Cause ...
3. Effect ...
4. Solution ... (e.g. "Vision and mission are improved with diverse talent...") (Harley, 2010).
Byers, T. D. (2006). Building support for diversity programs among senior management in
organizations. (Order No. 3234194, Fielding Graduate University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 86-86 p. Retrieved from (304914537).
Dixon, M. L. (2007). Leadership styles, diversity in work groups, work group effectiveness, and
turnover intention. (Order No. 3287132, Lynn University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 200-n/a. Retrieved from (304700588).
Epstein, W. G. (2005). A study of transformational and transactional leadership and the effect
on project manager turnover intentions. (Order No. 3191650, Pepperdine University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 156-156 p. Retrieved from (305362841).
Harley, P. (2010). Planning strategically for a diverse talent pool: A case study. (Order No.
3398309, Capella University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 123-n/a. Retrieved from (219931898).
Kimemia, D. (2013). Organizational culture and corruption: A multiple case study of non-
governmental organizations in kenya. (Order No. 3559622, Virginia Commonwealth University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 230. Retrieved from (1353672669).
Byers, T. D. (2006). Building support for diversity programs among senior management in organizations (Journal listing data)
Dixon, M. L. (2007). Leadership styles, diversity in work groups, work group effectiveness, and turnover intention. (Journal listing data).
Epstein, W. G. (2005). A study of transformational and transactional leadership and the effect on project manager turnover intentions. (Journal listing data)
Harley, P. (2010). Planning strategically for a diverse talent pool: A case study. (Journal listing data)
Kimemia, D. (2013). Organizational culture and corruption: A multiple case study of non-governmental organizations in kenya. (Journal listing data)

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Starwood Performance Improvement Methods

Starwood Performance Improvement Methods

Starwood Hotels & Resorts is no stranger to quality measurement. In the most recent year, Starwood properties around the globe held 51 of approximately 700 spots on Condé Nast's Gold List of the world's best places to stay. Its spa and golf programs have consistently been ranked among the best in the world.
At Starwood, processes and programs are driven by the work of its team of Six Sigma experts, called Black Belts. Developed by Motorola more than 20 years ago, Six Sigma is a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving, sustaining, and maximizingbusiness success by driving out defects and variability in a process. Starwood uses the five-step DMAIC process: define measure, analyze, improve, and control. Clearly, understanding customer needs is paramount. To this end, Starwood collects data from customers on its Guest Satisfaction Index survey, called the "Voice of the Customer." The survey covers every department guests may have encountered during their stay, from the front desk and hotel room, to restaurants and concierge. Past surveys indicated that how well problems were resolved during the guest stay was a key driver in high guest satisfaction scores. To increase its scores for problem resolution, the Sheraton brand of Starwood launched the Sheraton Service Promise program in the United States and Canada. The program was designed to give guests a single point of contact for reporting any problems. It was intended to focus associate (employee) attention on taking care of service issues during the guest's stay within 15 minutes of first receiving notice. However, although scores did increase, they did not increase by enough. Consequently, Sheraton brought in its Six Sigma team to see what it could do. The team employed the basic Six Sigma model of define-measure-analyze-improve-control to guide its work. To define the problem, the Six Sigma team workedwithdatacollectedandanalyzedbyanindependentsurveyorganization, National Family Opinion. The study indicated that three key factors are needed in problem resolution: speed, empathy, and efficiency. All three must be met in order for the guests to be satisfied and the Sheraton Service Promise fulfilled. Then the team looked at the specific processes that affected performance: telephone operators' handling of requests, procedures for determining who to call, engineering workloads, and so on. The work identified in each area was measured. For example, call logs were established to track speed, empathy of associate handling the call, and efficiency of the staff charged with fixing the problem. The data collected were analyzed to determine why guests' problems were not resolved within the 15-minute standard. Pareto charts and other techniques were used for the analysis. The final step involved control and monitoring to be sure that the improved processes developed by the Six Sigma team became part of the property's culture, and that they were not abandoned after the team's work was finished. Tracking continues for 12 to 18 months, with monthly feedback to the manager or department head responsible for the improvement of the Sheraton Service Promise program. The improvement effort also receives visibility through the company's intranet so the rest of the organization sees the
1. Answer the questions associated with the case study.
a. Implementing Six Sigma programs takes considerable time and commitment from an organization. In terms of top-down commitment, measurement systems to track progress, tough goal setting, educationcommunication, and customer priorities, evaluate the degree to which Starwood successfully addressed each with the redesign of the Sheraton Service Promise program.
b. How might the new Sheraton Service Promise process help Starwood avoid the four costs of poor process performance and quality (prevention, appraisal, internal failure, and external failure)?
c. Starwood is the first major hotel brand to commit to a dedicated Six Sigma program for improving quality. Why might an organization be reluctant to follow this type of formalized methodology? What other approaches could Starwood or its competitors use?

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Starwood Performance Improvement Methods

Starwood Performance Improvement Methods

Starwood Hotels & Resorts is no stranger to quality measurement. In the most recent year, Starwood properties around the globe held 51 of approximately 700 spots on Condé Nast's Gold List of the world's best places to stay. Its spa and golf programs have consistently been ranked among the best in the world.
At Starwood, processes and programs are driven by the work of its team of Six Sigma experts, called Black Belts. Developed by Motorola more than 20 years ago, Six Sigma is a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving, sustaining, and maximizingbusiness success by driving out defects and variability in a process. Starwood uses the five-step DMAIC process: define measure, analyze, improve, and control. Clearly, understanding customer needs is paramount. To this end, Starwood collects data from customers on its Guest Satisfaction Index survey, called the "Voice of the Customer." The survey covers every department guests may have encountered during their stay, from the front desk and hotel room, to restaurants and concierge. Past surveys indicated that how well problems were resolved during the guest stay was a key driver in high guest satisfaction scores. To increase its scores for problem resolution, the Sheraton brand of Starwood launched the Sheraton Service Promise program in the United States and Canada. The program was designed to give guests a single point of contact for reporting any problems. It was intended to focus associate (employee) attention on taking care of service issues during the guest's stay within 15 minutes of first receiving notice. However, although scores did increase, they did not increase by enough. Consequently, Sheraton brought in its Six Sigma team to see what it could do. The team employed the basic Six Sigma model of define-measure-analyze-improve-control to guide its work. To define the problem, the Six Sigma team workedwithdatacollectedandanalyzedbyanindependentsurveyorganization, National Family Opinion. The study indicated that three key factors are needed in problem resolution: speed, empathy, and efficiency. All three must be met in order for the guests to be satisfied and the Sheraton Service Promise fulfilled. Then the team looked at the specific processes that affected performance: telephone operators' handling of requests, procedures for determining who to call, engineering workloads, and so on. The work identified in each area was measured. For example, call logs were established to track speed, empathy of associate handling the call, and efficiency of the staff charged with fixing the problem. The data collected were analyzed to determine why guests' problems were not resolved within the 15-minute standard. Pareto charts and other techniques were used for the analysis. The final step involved control and monitoring to be sure that the improved processes developed by the Six Sigma team became part of the property's culture, and that they were not abandoned after the team's work was finished. Tracking continues for 12 to 18 months, with monthly feedback to the manager or department head responsible for the improvement of the Sheraton Service Promise program. The improvement effort also receives visibility through the company's intranet so the rest of the organization sees the
1. Answer the questions associated with the case study.
a. Implementing Six Sigma programs takes considerable time and commitment from an organization. In terms of top-down commitment, measurement systems to track progress, tough goal setting, educationcommunication, and customer priorities, evaluate the degree to which Starwood successfully addressed each with the redesign of the Sheraton Service Promise program.
b. How might the new Sheraton Service Promise process help Starwood avoid the four costs of poor process performance and quality (prevention, appraisal, internal failure, and external failure)?
c. Starwood is the first major hotel brand to commit to a dedicated Six Sigma program for improving quality. Why might an organization be reluctant to follow this type of formalized methodology? What other approaches could Starwood or its competitors use?

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Impacts of Divorce on Children

Impacts of Divorce on Children

For this project, put the information from the articles you evaluated in (Project 3.) into a literature review. A minimum of five relevant references are to be analyzed for the Literature Review. The references used are to be cited in the Literature Review of the Research Proposal. They are also to be included in the references page and in APA format.
Review of the Relevant Literature/Related Research/Literature Review: Provide a minimum of five research studies that
Address the same topic chosen for the proposal.
1. What are the similar areas of study or studies that lead up to the current research? Identify the importance of the
Questions being asked.
2. Report on the current status of the topic.
3. Analyze the relationship between the literature reviewed and the problem statement.
Include a summary, along with a restatement of the relationships between the variables under consideration and how these relationships are important to the proposed hypothesis. (Estimated length - two to three pages)

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Impacts of Divorce on Children

Impacts of Divorce on Children

For this project, put the information from the articles you evaluated in (Project 3.) into a literature review. A minimum of five relevant references are to be analyzed for the Literature Review. The references used are to be cited in the Literature Review of the Research Proposal. They are also to be included in the references page and in APA format.
Review of the Relevant Literature/Related Research/Literature Review: Provide a minimum of five research studies that
Address the same topic chosen for the proposal.
1. What are the similar areas of study or studies that lead up to the current research? Identify the importance of the
Questions being asked.
2. Report on the current status of the topic.
3. Analyze the relationship between the literature reviewed and the problem statement.
Include a summary, along with a restatement of the relationships between the variables under consideration and how these relationships are important to the proposed hypothesis. (Estimated length - two to three pages)

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Research Questions for Conducting Surveys

Research Questions for Conducting Surveys

I need help constructing a telephone, or in-person interview survey in home healthcare!
The survey should have 10-15 questions accompanied by a brief background of the problem, trying to measure survey with 8-10 questions, 2-3 demographic questions, 1 open ended question, and 5-6 (multiple choice, multiple response or Likert scale) questions).
Use at least 3 different question formats. True/false, yes/no, and multiple choice are all forms of multiple choice; include one open-ended question at the end but start with a general question and move toward more specific questions.
Thank you,

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